A welcome from our Headteacher Mr Steve Cox:
I am enormously proud to be the Head teacher of Oakham Church of England Primary School. I take great pride in the fact that we have a happy and inclusive school in which there is a family ethos that values all individuals and encourages respect for all.
Our vision is to offer outstanding education and care through high quality, engaging teaching and learning with a commitment to valuing potential in all members of the school and its community. I am incredibly proud of the wonderful children in our school who constantly amaze me with their talent, enthusiasm and eagerness to learn! When visitors come into school they always comment on how happy and engaged the children are in their learning.
There is an unwavering commitment from all our staff and governors to provide a first class education and exceptional care for our children. We have high expectations for both behaviour and academic achievement. Our Christian values (Humility, Fellowship, Hope & Thankfulness) and Learning values (Pride, Passion, Perseverance & Purpose) underpin and shape our approach to all areas of school life. A strong alliance with our local church enriches this aspect even further. I am truly privileged to have such a strong team of talented, hardworking, committed staff and governors who are dedicated to achieving the very best for all our children.
You only get one chance at each school year and at our school we recognise how precious each day is on that special journey. A strong emphasis is placed on the fundamental learning building blocks of Oracy, Reading, Writing and Maths, but we also pride ourselves on an exciting, broad curriculum, ensuring our children really develop their knowledge and skills. We value all of our children’s achievements and enjoy regularly celebrating their successes. We want our children to have an accumulation of knowledge, behaviours and skills that they can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural capital. This awareness, knowledge and competence are key ingredients a child will draw upon to be successful in modern society, their career and the world of work. We want to prepare our children to be successful not only in school, but also in later life as global citizens.
All parents want their child to be happy, secure and have the best possible start to their education. We want exactly the same for all of our children and we recognise that parents have a crucial role to play in the education of their child. With that in mind, we communicate regularly with parents and carers and they are always welcome into school. By school, parents, the Church and the wider community working in partnership together, our children will leave school as inquisitive learners with happy positive memories ready for the journey ahead.
Our facilities are excellent and we are fortunate to have two halls, a swimming pool, extensive outdoor space and excellent learning resources. We offer a wide range of curriculum enrichment through residentials, day visits, theme days and extra-curricular activities. For those working parents and carers the onsite Ark Nursery provides before and after school care for our children without them even having to leave the building.
I hope the information within this website provides you with some additional details about the school that you will find helpful. I would love you to visit us to discover for yourself the things that make our school such a special place to learn and work. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.