School Performance Data & Ofsted
Oakham CofE Primary School SAT's 2024
Key Stage Two 2024
% of children achieving the expected standard:
Reading | Writing | Maths | Grammar, spelling and Punctuation |
83% (Above National) 69% (Including DSP pupils). | 76% (Above National) 63% (Including DSP pupils). | 79% (Above National) 66% (Including DSP pupils). | 86% (Above National) 71% (Including DSP pupils). |
% of children achieving above the expected standard:
Reading | Writing | Maths | Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation |
34% (Above National) 29% (Including DSP pupils). | 0% 0% (Including DSP pupils). | 28% (Above National) 23% (Including DSP pupils). | 48% (Above National) 40% (Including DSP pupils). |
Average Scaled Score in Reading: 106 (Above National).
Average Scaled score in Maths: 104.3 (Above National).
Average Scaled Score in GaPS: 106 (Above National).
Average Progress Scores:
Reading | Writing | Maths |
3.2 (Above National) | 2.0 (Above National) | 3.9 (Above National) |
(Progress measures shown are from 2023. The Government are unable to calculate 2024 measures as this cohort did not complete Year 2 SATs due to Covid).
The % of children achieving the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing & Maths is 72% (60% including the children in the Designated Specialist Provision) both of which are above National Average.
Key Stage One 2024
% of children achieving Expected Standard:
Reading | Writing | Maths |
79% (Above National) 74% (Including DSP pupils). | 69% (Above National) 65% (Including DSP pupils). | 79% (Above National) 74% (Including DSP pupils). |
% of children achieving above Expected Standard:
Reading | Writing | Maths |
24% (Above National) 23% (Including DSP pupils). | 14% (Above National) 13% (Including DSP pupils). | 17% (Above National) 16% (Including DSP pupils). |
The % of children achieving the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing & Maths is 65% (61% including the children in the Designated Specialist Provision) both of which are above National Average.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Test 2024
100% of pupils achieved the pass score. (90% including the children in the Designated Specialist Provision) both of which are above National Average.
EYFS - Good Level of Development: 2024
84% of pupils achieved a Good Level of Development by the end of their EYFS year (76% including the children in the Designated Specialist Provision) which is above National Average. (Compared to 67% Nationally).
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports, and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
Ofsted Reports
Overall Effectiveness: Good
Key Ofsted Quotes September 2017:
“The passionate, informed and determined
leadership of the headteacher successfully
unites the whole school team. There is a
concerted focus on progress.”
“Leaders provide rigorous guidance and
effective staff training. This has made sure that
teaching across the school is now good. There
is particularly strong practice in upper key
stage 2 and the early years.”
“Pupils now make good progress from their
starting points, with some accelerated progress
in writing and mathematics. Disadvantaged
pupils and those who have special educational
needs and/or disabilities make the same good
progress as others.”
“Pupils are proud of their school and behave
well. Pupils say that they feel safe and are well
cared for. Parents also have a high level of
confidence in the school’s work.”
Ofsted Parent View
Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of our school and to look at the views of other parents. Please access this by using the link below.